About Me

You ever feel stuck in the sludge, like the weight of your legs are pulling you down and you can’t push yourself out or you’ll get sucked in even farther?

That was me.

I guess, if I’m honest, that still IS me.

Only I’ve caught a branch and am using my (limited) upper body strength to pull myself out.

This space is to help me set intentions to live my life and not watch it from the bleachers.  To start putting our money toward stuff that MATTERS and not more junk.  I’ve been following financial blogs for over a decade – but it’s time to put my money where my mouth is.  Or, rather, stop putting my money toward eating out and feeding that (always hungry) mouth.  But hopefully, documenting life here will keep me accountable.  I’m horrible at keeping myself accountable.  I love to cheat. What’s one more Oreo?

Along the way, I also started picking up some minimalism habits – although, truthfully – I think I always had them.  I’m fast to throw away.  But easy in, easy out – is still too much IN. Wasted time, wasted money, wasted effort.

Here is to figuring out how to live more frugally, more slowly, more intentionally.  Or something like that.  I’ve got two kids, okay? I can only go so far.